Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 280

Chapter 280


Chapter 280: Unity Above All Else


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Zis parents presided over the banquet with grace, though they couldnt help but brush off the whispered remarks circulating among their guests. Yet, as they exchanged glances, they silently agreed not to let it affect them.

It was inevitable that envy would stir among those around them, seeing their family prosper with a commendable son-in-law. The seemingly innocuous words carried an undertone of provocation, perhaps unnoticed by their speakers.

Nonetheless, the Lins were not naive. While they couldnt control others words, they could certainly choose not to lend them their ears.

Meanwhile, Su Shen, even while occupied with his expansive pig farm, had maintained a keen interest in the Lin familys affairs.

They, as the parties involved, observed everything unfolding before them with a discerning eye, naturally impervious to the attempts of others to sow discord. In the life of a family, unity mattered above all else.

The Lin family harbored no greed, never bothering to compare who gave more or less. As long as Gu Zi thrived in the Su household, that held greater importance than anything else.

At that moment, someone approached Mother Lin for idle gossip. She excused herself, saying, Theyve come to return the gifts; I must go and welcome them.

Pardon me.

And off she went, pulling Papa Lin along. Those eager to speak found their words swallowed back, their expressions contorted as if theyd swallowed a fly.

Observing the absence of Su Shen and Gu Zi, whispers about Su Shens true intentions surfaced. It made sense; the Lin family couldnt offer much assistance in Su Shens career, so why bother marrying Gu Zi and spending so much time pleasing the Lin family?

The absence of the bride and groom on their return day was deemed disgraceful. Though no one openly voiced their thoughts, secretly, they relished the idea of seeing the Lin family embarrassed.

However, their satisfaction was short-lived. As Mr. and Mrs. Lin welcomed two burly men carrying gifts into the house, Su Shen and Gu Zi emerged from behind, followed by a black car parked in front of the Lin familys banquet.

The car was the wedding car Su Shen had used on the day of his marriage proposal, a memory still fresh in everyones minds. With the couple and their children alighting from the car, envy rippled through the villagers.

Gu Zi, carrying Su Le, walked at the forefront, paying no heed to the father and sons behind her. Her attire exuded elegance; she wore a finely crafted blue and white porcelain cheongsam with a white beaded shawl drped over it. Her hair

was stynea Inco a classic Dun, exuamg grace ana nomncy.

The father and sons behind her were tasked with carrying gifts. Su Shen, tall and handsome in a shirt and trousers, carried two large bags of pork, two baskets of fruit, and two boxes of exquisite gift boxes, following his wife proudly.

The two sons, equally handsome in their wedding attire, each carried two gift boxes behind their father. Their demeanor alone was enough to evoke envy.

Lin Cheng and Li Hua received the gifts from their brother-in-law and quickly ushered them to the main table. The homecoming banquet would soon commence.

Su Shen and Gu Zi greeted each tables guests before taking their seats at the main table, not only to observe proper etiquette but also to uphold the honor of the Lin family.

Papa Lin and Mother Lin were very pleased to see that their daughter and son-in-law were all well-rounded people.

Papa Lin said to Su Shen, Ill leave Gu Zi to you in the future. I hope you can always treat her well. Youre half our son now.

Su Shen assured, Dad, Mom, Ill take care of her. He wasnt one to make promises lightly, but when it came to Gu Zi, he was confident in his commitment to her well-being.

With that, he handed a large red envelope to Papa Lin, who declined, insisting it be given to Gu Zi, Just give the money to Gu Zi. You dont have to give it to us..

